数々の国際コンクールで受賞歴があり、2019年にはフランスのトゥール国際コンクールで1位を受賞。ベルギー、中国、コロンビア、スペイン、アメリカ、オランダ、イタリア、日本、ノルウェー、ポーランド、ポルトガル、スウェーデン、タイなど数々の著名なコンサートホールで演奏活動を行う。著名なコンクールの審査員として招かれることも多く、自身のソロリサイタル開催や著名なフェスティバルでのコンサートにも頻繁に登場。2枚のCDを録音しており、Adams、Brass Lab. Momo、Denis Wick Productsの提携アーティスト。現在、ノルウェーのハルスタッド市のさまざまな学校で教鞭をとり、世界中でマスタークラスを開講している。
Born in Switzerland in 1995, Mauro Martins is a Portuguese musician who took his first steps in music at the age of 10 in a Philharmonic Band. Later, between 2010 and 2016, he attended the Professional School of Arts in Covilhã, where he studied with the professors Nuno Machado, Ricardo Antão, Luís Oliveira, among others. He graduated with distinction in the Basic Instrument Course and the Wind and Percussion Instrumentalist Course, obtaining the highest grade in both final recitals. He continued his studies and entered the School of Music and Performing Arts in Porto, under the guidance of professors Sérgio Carolino and Ricardo Antão, once again achieving the highest grade in the final bachelor’s recital.
Mauro Martins has been awarded in several international competitions and in 2019 was awarded the 1st prize at the Concours International of Saxhorn, Euphonium and Tuba of Tours (France). He is regularly invited to take part of jury panels of renowned competitions. Mauro frequently presents himself in solo recitals and concerts at prestigious festivals. He also performs on well-known concert halls in countries such as Belgium, China, Colombia, Spain, USA, Netherlands, Italy, Japan, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Thailand, among others. Due to the significance of his art, Mauro Martins has already recorded two CDs and is associated with the brands Adams Brass, Brass Lab Momo, and Denis Wick Products. Currently, he teaches at various schools in the city of Harstad (Norway), provides private lessons, and offers masterclasses in various parts of the world.
Mauro Martins has been gaining international recognition for his playing and is a young player to watch!